Hey Paul, great post not sure if you linked to this one as well as ATFQ but here are my thoughts on the same topic from nearly a decade back, including a favorite joke.

Q: what does a complexifier call a simplifier?

A: boss!


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I volunteer with a group that helps teenagers get their pilot’s licenses. It is full of pilots and ex-military simplifiers. The meetings are such a pleasure to attend. We do a quick recap of what has happened, then a quick review of what needs to happen. Then tasks are assigned. You are asked to do what you do well and you are responsible to get it done. I leave every meeting thinking it is a good use of my limited time.

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This sounds like very basic meeting management, but I just came to tell you that this is (a) very rare and (b) very valuable. Sounds like a great team.

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Great post. Spot on.

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