Go-to-market strategy can be complicated. And sometimes it has to be.
Organizing years of messy data, segmenting your market, and nailing down where you should play + how you can win takes a lot of math, a lot of debate, and a lot of critical thinking.
But there's a simpler path to growing faster. A path most companies haven't explored nearly enough. Want to know what it is?
Most of you could be growing faster if you just got clearer:
...About what you do.
...About how it works.
...About why it's valuable.
...About what people use before / instead of you.
...About how you save customers time / money.
...About what triggers people to buy what you sell.
...And about what life is like with + without you.
90%+ of companies out there haven’t done this work. The work of not only talking, but listening to customers. The work of searching for the truth behind why people pay you money and why, despite all the other options out there, they keep coming back year-after-year. The truth about what they’re really trying to get done, what they really care about, and how they really think about you.
So wake up. Your story is nowhere near as clear as you think it is.
Check your website. Your call transcripts. Your landing pages. Your emails. Your pitch deck. Your last webinar. Read that stuff out loud.
Are you saying what you're trying to say?
People don’t buy what they don’t understand. So where are you allowing yourself to be misunderstood?
My advice: Fix that sh!t first.
It's hard. And not nearly as fun as high-level strategy.
But man, it works.
Boom. Of course! You've challenged me to do this better and you're right, its harder than it looks.
I think that we over-index on the concept of “niching down” as a concept, which is a bit of an indirect (sort of A/B testing) route to getting clarity on your positioning.